

Peptides are short chains of amino acids that can stimulate specific physiological responses in the body. By introducing peptides, you can target areas such as weight management, growth hormone secretion, accelerated healing, tanning, and improved libido and erection quality. Peptides work by signaling cells to perform particular functions, making them a versatile option for enhancing various aspects of health and wellness.

Peptides are ideal for individuals looking to address weight, hormone levels, or skin health issues. Results typically become noticeable within a few weeks, depending on the specific peptide used and individual response. The benefits of peptide therapy can last several months, but maintenance treatments may be needed to sustain the desired effects. For those interested in exploring the benefits of Peptides in Derby, KS now is the perfect time to schedule an appointment. Enhance your wellness and see how peptides can work for you.

Our Peptides


AOD-9604 is available as a subcutaneous injection or oral troche, taken once daily. This peptide is designed to reduce body fat by regulating fat metabolism, stimulating lipolysis, and inhibiting lipogenesis. It triggers the release of stored fat, helping to manage body composition effectively.


Administered through subcutaneous injections, BPC-157 is known for its significant role in tendon healing and pain reduction. It enhances collagen synthesis, accelerates recovery times post-injury, and supports wound and bone healing while decreasing inflammation.


This combination peptide is administered via subcutaneous injections and helps decrease body fat while improving sleep quality. It also boosts cognitive function, increases muscle mass and strength, and accelerates recovery times following injuries.

Melanotan II

Melanotan II supports melanogenesis and is available as both subcutaneous injections and oral administration, leading to enhanced tanning. It also offers photoprotection, reduces appetite, improves lipid and glucose regulation, and enhances libido while providing metabolic support.

MK677 Ibutamoren

MK677 is taken orally and is known for improving REM sleep and increasing muscle mass. It also helps decrease body fat percentage, strengthen bones, enhance endurance, and increase nitrogen levels.


Administered as a subcutaneous injection, NAD+ promotes cognitive and sensory function, supports gluconeogenesis in the liver, and enhances insulin secretion and sensitivity. It also aids in lipogenesis in adipose tissue, stimulates endothelial cell proliferation, and offers protection against cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

PT-141 Bremelanotide

This peptide is given as a subcutaneous injection and lasts 1-4 months. It increases sexual frequency and drive, serves as a treatment for hypoactive sexual desire disorder in both men and women, and enhances sexual function, desire, arousal, and orgasm.

Benefits of Peptides


Peptides are suitable for improving weight management, hormone levels, or skin health. Ideal candidates are generally healthy and seeking a non-invasive option to support their wellness goals.

Most individuals start to see results within a few weeks of beginning peptide therapy. The exact timing can vary based on the specific peptide and individual factors.

The effects of peptide therapy can last for several months. Regular follow-up treatments may be required to maintain the results.

Peptide therapy typically has minimal downtime. Some individuals may experience minor side effects, such as mild redness at the injection site, but these are generally temporary.

Before treatment, discussing your health history with your provider is advisable. After the treatment, follow any specific aftercare instructions provided to optimize results and minimize side effects.

Peptide therapy is a straightforward process involving injections or topical applications. The procedure is generally quick and well-tolerated by most individuals.

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